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A little about Havening Techniques...

Havening belongs to a larger group of methods called Psycho-sensory therapies.

In a randomised trial Psycho-sensory therapy was more effective in treating common mental health problems than Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (C.B.T) or medication. If you are looking for something new that works fast Havening is the therapy for you.


Havening Techniques can be used by yourself (which is called Self Havening) or guided by a practitioner (this is Facilitated Havening). Both methods will remove the effects of traumatic memories from your mind, quickly and permanently.


For milder issues using Self Havening is very effective by itself.

You should see a Havening Techniques practitioner for stronger issues to guide you through with the use of Facilitated Havening.


If you’re experiencing emotional problems that are holding you back, I’d like to help you become free of them to enjoy a better, happier life.




What can Havening help with?


  • G.A.D (Generalised anxiety disorder).

  • Social anxiety (being anxious in groups of people).

  • Traumatic memories (a result of traumatic experiences)

  • limiting behaviours (having anxiety hold you back from doing what you want to do).

  • Phobias – phobias can often be removed in just one session using the Havening Technique.

  • And much more too.




What can Havening do?


The Havening technique is a method, which is designed to change the brain, to de-traumatize the memory, and permanently remove its negative effects from both our psyche and our body.

​This is what Paul McKenna has to say about Havening

“Havening therapy is going to change the face of therapy across the world. What used to take months to cure can now be done in minutes in most cases: PTSD, trauma, pain, depression and many more disorders.”

This is not to be confused with other psycho-sensory techniques, TFT, EMDR, etc. Whilst they are very good, Havening is way ahead of these therapies.

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